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Stan and Jane Stringer


4:30 pm


Stan and Jane founded Faith Baptist Mission in 1979 and have been serving the Lord faithfully since.  Stan is the head pastor of Faith Baptist Church and ministers in the jail weekly on the reservation.  Together, they head up the ministry to the elderly on the reservation, teaching lessons, preparing picnics and providing fellowship.  They offer counseling for both couples and individuals. 

Joyce Jones


10:00 am


Joyce runs the church's financials and ministers at the jail on the reservation.  She heads up the mail box club, sending Bible study lessons to inmates all over the US.  She goes on regular visitation and adds a helping hand to anything and everything that is planned for the church and mission. 

Doug and Tamah Bryant


11:30 am


Doug is the worship leader.  He heads up the maintenance projects at the church and on the mission.  He preaches the first Sunday of every month. Tamah helps in the worship ministry and leads the youth group alongside Doug leading singing and teaching lessons while Doug leads in the games and prayer.

Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Hebrews 10:38

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